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Class ChatAssignmentInfo

Instances of the ChatAssignmentInfo class contain information about one chat assignment. A chat assignment belongs to a single chat, identified by the chatID property.

Property Summary
The unique ID the chat assignment belongs to
The assignment type of the chat assignment
The unique ID of the operator the chat assignment belongs to
The unique ID of the chat the chat assignment belongs to
The assignment number of the chat assignment
The Started timestamp of the chat assignment
The Answered timestamp of the chat assignment
The Ended timestamp of the chat assignment
The operator answer chat count of the chat assignment
The operator end chat count
The account ID of the operator the current chat assignment belongs to
The Created timestamp of the chat assignment
The Updated timestamp of the chat assignment
The folder ID the chat belongs to
The website definition ID the chat assignment belongs to
The client type of the chat the chat assignment belongs to
The assignment type of the chat assignment
the from operator ID
the ID of the operator who assigned the current chat to someone else
The from department ID of the chat assignment
The department ID the chat assignment belongs to
The to operator ID of the chat assignment
The to assignment by operator ID of the chat assignment
The department ID to whom the chat was assigned
The visitor message count of the chat assignment
The operator message count of the chat assignment
The ended visitor message count of the chat assignment
The ended operator message count of the chat assignment

Property Detail
Long chatAssignmentID

The unique ID the chat assignment belongs to

Byte assignmentType

The assignment type of the chat assignment

Long operatorID

The unique ID of the operator the chat assignment belongs to

Long chatID

The unique ID of the chat the chat assignment belongs to

Integer assignmentNumber

The assignment number of the chat assignment

Calendar started

The Started timestamp of the chat assignment

Calendar answered

The Answered timestamp of the chat assignment

Calendar ended

The Ended timestamp of the chat assignment

Integer operatorAnswerChatCount

The operator answer chat count of the chat assignment

Integer operatorEndChatCount

The operator end chat count

Long accountID

The account ID of the operator the current chat assignment belongs to

Calendar created

The Created timestamp of the chat assignment

Calendar updated

The Updated timestamp of the chat assignment

Long folderID

The folder ID the chat belongs to

Long websiteDefID

The website definition ID the chat assignment belongs to

Byte clientType

The client type of the chat the chat assignment belongs to

Byte fromAssignmentType

The assignment type of the chat assignment

Long fromOperatorID

the from operator ID

Long assignmentByOperatorID

the ID of the operator who assigned the current chat to someone else

Long fromDepartmentID

The from department ID of the chat assignment

Long departmentID

The department ID the chat assignment belongs to

Long toOperatorID

The to operator ID of the chat assignment

Long toAssignmentByOperatorID

The to assignment by operator ID of the chat assignment

Long toDepartmentID

The department ID to whom the chat was assigned

Integer visitorMessageCount

The visitor message count of the chat assignment

Integer operatorMessageCount

The operator message count of the chat assignment

Integer endedVisitorMessageCount

The ended visitor message count of the chat assignment

Integer endedOperatorMessageCount

The ended operator message count of the chat assignment