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Class ChatMessageInfo

Instances of the ChatMessageInfo class contain information about one chat message. A chat message belongs to a single chat, identified by the chatID property.

Property Summary
The Created timestamp of the chat message.
The unique ID of the chat message.
The name of the person who posted the message.
The ID of the person who posted the message.
The type of person who posted the message.
The text of the message.

Property Detail
Long chatID

Calendar created

The Created timestamp of the chat message.

Long chatMessageID

The unique ID of the chat message.

String name

The name of the person who posted the message.

Long personID

The ID of the person who posted the message.

Byte personType

The type of person who posted the message.
  • 0 - Operator
  • 1 - Visitor

String text

The text of the message.