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Class ConversionInfo

A ConversionInfo instance contains information about one conversion. A conversion belongs to a single folder.

Property Summary
The conversion ID
The visit ID
The website definition ID
The operator assigned credit for this conversion
The referrer ID
The conversion code
The chat invitation credited with this conversion
The call invitation credited with this conversion
The folder this conversion is in
The ID of the visitor
The operator who assigned credit for this conversion to the operatorID associated with this conversion
The country code of the visitor
The region code of the visitor
The value of the conversion reference optionally passed through in the conversion code for this conversion
The value of the conversion info optionally passed through in the conversion code for this conversion
The referring location given credit for referring the visitor to the site initially to make the conversion
The initial landing page of the visitor after being referred from the refererUrl location
The search query, if recognized, given by the refererUrl used to refer the visitor to the site
The time this conversion was created
The time the visit on which the conversion occurred was created
The time the operator assigned to this conversion interacted with the visitor causing the conversion
The value given to this conversion
The invitation status of the visit when the conversion occurred.
The chat status of the visit when the conversion occurred.
The call status of the visit when the conversion occurred
The type of interaction the operator had with the visitor.
How the visitor initiated their interaction with the operator.
The total number of visits to the site prior to conversion
The total number of page views on the active visit prior to conversion
The total number of operators that could have been given credit for this conversion

Property Detail
Long conversionID

The conversion ID

Long visitID

The visit ID

Long websiteDefID

The website definition ID

Long operatorID

The operator assigned credit for this conversion

Long refererID

The referrer ID

Long conversionCodeID

The conversion code

Long chatInvitationTemplateVariantID

The chat invitation credited with this conversion

Long callInvitationTemplateVariantID

The call invitation credited with this conversion

Long folderID

The folder this conversion is in

Long visitorID

The ID of the visitor

Long lastAssignedByOperatorID

The operator who assigned credit for this conversion to the operatorID associated with this conversion

String countryCode

The country code of the visitor

String regionCode

The region code of the visitor

String conversionRef

The value of the conversion reference optionally passed through in the conversion code for this conversion

String conversionInfo

The value of the conversion info optionally passed through in the conversion code for this conversion

String refererUrl

The referring location given credit for referring the visitor to the site initially to make the conversion

String entryUrl

The initial landing page of the visitor after being referred from the refererUrl location

String refererQuery

The search query, if recognized, given by the refererUrl used to refer the visitor to the site

Calendar created

The time this conversion was created

Calendar visitCreated

The time the visit on which the conversion occurred was created

Calendar operatorActionTime

The time the operator assigned to this conversion interacted with the visitor causing the conversion

Double conversionAmount

The value given to this conversion

Byte inviteStatusType

The invitation status of the visit when the conversion occurred.

Byte chatStatusType

The chat status of the visit when the conversion occurred.
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Last page was the pre-chat form
  • 2 - Last page was the chat page
  • 3 - The pre-chat form was closed
  • 5 - Last page was the post-chat form
  • 6 - The post-chat form was submitted
  • 7 - The chat was unavailable
  • 8 - An unavailable email was sent
  • 10 - The chat was blocked
  • 11 - The chat was unavailable because of the ACD queue size
  • 12 - The chat was unavailable due to operator hours
  • 13 - The chat was blocked and an unavailable email was sent
  • 14 - The chat was unavailable because of the ACD queue size, and an unavailable email was sent
  • 15 - The chat was unavailable due to operator hours, and an unavailable email was sent

Byte callStatusType

The call status of the visit when the conversion occurred

Byte operatorStatusType

The type of interaction the operator had with the visitor.
  • 0: Chat in Previous Visit
  • 1: Call in Previous Visit
  • 2: Chat in Current Visit
  • 3: Call in Current Visit

Byte operatorActionType

How the visitor initiated their interaction with the operator.
  • 0: Button Click
  • 2: Operator Invited
  • 4: Auto Invited

Integer visitCount

The total number of visits to the site prior to conversion

Integer pageViewCount

The total number of page views on the active visit prior to conversion

Integer operatorCount

The total number of operators that could have been given credit for this conversion