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Class LoginActivityInfo

The LoginActivityInfo class encapsulates historical information about a login event or session. Each LoginActivityInfo instance has a creation time and, if completed, an end time.

Property Summary
The ID of the operator associated with the entry.
The entry status type: 0 (Offline), 1 (Away), 2 (Available).
The session creation date-time.
The date-time when the session ended, or null if it hasn't ended yet.
The service type ID (1 = Chats, 2 = Visits, 3 = Emails, 7 = Calls).
The ended-reason value.
ID of the operator who caused the session to end.

Property Detail
Long operatorID

The ID of the operator associated with the entry.

Byte statusType

The entry status type: 0 (Offline), 1 (Away), 2 (Available).

Calendar created

The session creation date-time.

Calendar ended

The date-time when the session ended, or null if it hasn't ended yet.

Long serviceTypeID

The service type ID (1 = Chats, 2 = Visits, 3 = Emails, 7 = Calls).

Byte endedReason

The ended-reason value.
  • 0 - None/Unknown
  • 1 - Operator signed off
  • 2 - Same client logged in
  • 3 - Same operator logged in
  • 4 - Client was closed
  • 5 - Server requested client reconnect
  • 6 - Sign-on limit reached
  • 7 - Sign-off requested by another operator
  • 8 - Same client logged in
  • 9 - Operator login disabled

Long endedBy

ID of the operator who caused the session to end.