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Class ChatInfo

Instances of the ChatInfo class contain information about one chat.

Property Summary
The Answered timestamp.
The chat ID.
The name of the chat visitor, if any.
The chat status.
The chat type.
The URL of the chat page.
The ID of the chat window definition.
The visitor's city.
The Closed timestamp, if the chat is inactive.
The ISO 3166-1 country code.
The Created timestamp.
The first custom field ID.
The second custom field ID.
The department ID.
The due date.
Gets the Ended timestamp of the chat.
The flagged timestamp.
The folder ID.
Gets the initial question, which is normally obtained either in the pre-chat survey or an auto-invite.
The visitor's IP address.
The visitor's ISO-639-1 language code.
The ID of the operator that last assigned a chat.
The person type corresponding to the last chat message added to the chat.
The last name of the chat visitor.
The ID of the operator the chat is assigned to.
The count of messages sent by the operator.
The current page type.
The visitor's region code.
The ID of the item the chat is related to.
The type of item the chat is related to.
The visitor's reverse IP.
Gets the Started timestamp of the chat.
The post-chat survey comments.
The "knowledge" evaluation from the post-chat survey.
The "overall" evaluation from the post-chat survey.
The "professionalism" evaluation from the post-chat survey.
The "responsiveness" evaluation from the post-chat survey.
The number of visitor messages without an answer.
Gets the Updated timestamp, which is the last time the chat record was updated.
The user category ID.
The user status ID.
The visitor's email address.
The visit ID.
The visit info field.
The number of visitor messages.
The visitor's phone number
The VisitRef field.
The website definition ID.
The WindowClosed timestamp.
The ID of the visitor.

Property Detail
Calendar answered

The Answered timestamp.

Long chatID

The chat ID.

String chatName

The name of the chat visitor, if any.

Byte chatStatusType

The chat status.
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Last page was the pre-chat form
  • 2 - Last page was the chat page
  • 3 - The pre-chat form was closed
  • 5 - Last page was the post-chat form
  • 6 - The post-chat form was submitted
  • 7 - The chat was unavailable
  • 8 - An unavailable email was sent
  • 10 - The chat was blocked
  • 11 - The chat was unavailable because of the ACD queue size
  • 12 - The chat was unavailable due to operator hours
  • 14 - The chat was unavailable because of the ACD queue size, and an unavailable email was sent
  • 15 - The chat was unavailable due to operator hours, and an unavailable email was sent
  • 18 - The chat was not validated and so was blocked

Byte chatType

The chat type.
  • 0 - The chat was initiated by clicking a chat button
  • 2 - The chat was initiated by an operator inviting the visitor
  • 3 - The chat was initiated by clicking a chat button and unavailable
  • 4 - The chat was the result of an auto-invitation
  • 5 - The chat was initiated by clicking a chat button and blocked
  • 6 - The chat was "recovered." Previously chat had been unavailable.
  • 8 - The chat was initiated via the chat API

String chatUrl

The URL of the chat page.

Long chatWindowDefID

The ID of the chat window definition.

String city

The visitor's city.

Calendar closed

The Closed timestamp, if the chat is inactive.

String countryCode

The ISO 3166-1 country code.

Calendar created

The Created timestamp.

Long customField1ID

The first custom field ID.

Long customField2ID

The second custom field ID.

Long departmentID

The department ID.

Calendar dueDate

The due date.

Calendar ended

Gets the Ended timestamp of the chat. In chats that have started, this field is set only after the chat has ended.

Calendar flagged

The flagged timestamp.

Long folderID

The folder ID.

String initialQuestion

Gets the initial question, which is normally obtained either in the pre-chat survey or an auto-invite.

String iP

The visitor's IP address.

String languageCode

The visitor's ISO-639-1 language code.

Long lastAssignedByOperatorID

The ID of the operator that last assigned a chat.

Byte lastMessagePersonType

The person type corresponding to the last chat message added to the chat.
  • 0 - Operator
  • 1 - Visitor

String lastName

The last name of the chat visitor.

Long operatorID

The ID of the operator the chat is assigned to.

Integer operatorMessageCount

The count of messages sent by the operator.

Byte pageType

The current page type.
  • 0 - The "final" page type (where the chat window is closed)
  • 1 - The main chat page
  • 5 - The post-chat survey form
  • 6 - The pre-chat survey form
  • 7 - The unavailable email form
  • 9 - The "browser unsupported" page
  • 10 - The post-chat survey submitted notice page
  • 11 - The unavailable email submitted notice page
  • 12 - The "no operators" page shown when there's no unavailable email form.
  • 14 - The "chat not validated" page shown when validation fails.

String regionCode

The visitor's region code.

Long relatedToItemID

The ID of the item the chat is related to.

Byte relatedToItemType

The type of item the chat is related to.
  • 2: Contact
  • 3: Ticket

String reverseIP

The visitor's reverse IP.

Calendar started

Gets the Started timestamp of the chat. The Started timestamp is set when the chat window is shown (not when the pre-chat survey is shown, for example).

String surveyComments

The post-chat survey comments.

Integer surveyKnowledge

The "knowledge" evaluation from the post-chat survey.

Integer surveyOverall

The "overall" evaluation from the post-chat survey.

Integer surveyProfessionalism

The "professionalism" evaluation from the post-chat survey.

Integer surveyResponsiveness

The "responsiveness" evaluation from the post-chat survey.

Integer unrespondedMessageCount

The number of visitor messages without an answer.

Calendar updated

Gets the Updated timestamp, which is the last time the chat record was updated.

Long userCategoryID

The user category ID.

Long userStatusID

The user status ID.

String visitEmailAddress

The visitor's email address.

Long visitID

The visit ID.

String visitInfo

The visit info field.

Long visitorClientID

Integer visitorMessageCount

The number of visitor messages.

String visitPhone

The visitor's phone number

String visitRef

The VisitRef field.

Long websiteDefID

The website definition ID.

Calendar windowClosed

The WindowClosed timestamp.

Long visitorID

The ID of the visitor.